Render your video
Now here comes the magic! Turn your creation into an MP4.
npm run build
npm run build
The underlying command in package.json is defined as follows:
npx remotion render HelloWorld
npx remotion render HelloWorld
Modify it to select a different video to render, or change its output location. Learn about all the options on the CLI reference page.
More ways to render
Remotion has a full-featured server-side rendering API. Read more about it on the server-side rendering API.
GitHub Actions
You can also render a video using a GitHub Action.
AWS Lambda
Check out Remotion Lambda.
Only audio
Instead of rendering a video, you can also just export the audio.
Image Sequence
Instead of encoding as a video, you can use the --sequence
command to output a series of image.
Still images
If you want a single image, you can do so using the CLI or Node.JS API.